Okay, kids. Thought I’d do sumthin’ a little different here.
There’s been a couple threads relating to Flight Sims and/or video games in the forums recently. It seems that some of you are avid Flight Sim fans, but also it seems that many are not aware of how far these things have advanced.
I’m going to post some screenshots, either taken by myself or by others, to give you folks a little bit of eye candy.
In a way, these are models, they’re 3D renderings as used in the game, so technically they do have a place here. But regardless, there’s some neats shots that I’ve found and taken myself. And all of this has served to inspire me further in my model building. Hopefully it will do the same for some of you.
Here 'ya go! These are all in-game screenshots.
I’ll post some more soon, and if ya’ll want me to.
You inspired me to start her up again last night and do some flying! I didn’t realize the Blenheim had skiis in the winter terrains so I made up some missions with that. This is pretty much the only sim I fly right now…I just hope they get the P-40 spontaneous explosion fixed soon LOL
I just only recently was able to actually fly the FB. Had much trouble installing the thing and then getting it to work properly. Never had a time like this.
Seems alotta people are having alotta different troubles with this one, but it still beats 'em all. I haven’t run across the spontaneous explosion deal though…
I gotta do some more flying today and get some screenies, all the above were from other folks. I had some really cool ones from the original IL-2 but seem to have lost them… Grrrrrr…
In the P-40 currently, if you go into a dive and forget to throttle back, when you hit a certain speed (I forget now what it is), the plane shutters and completely disintegrates…whereas when the AI does the same, nothing happens. Now I realize that eventually there may be some problems when diving too fast, but the number here is way too low for that afaik…
That is I guess a new feature…if you are firing your guns and then are killed, I guess they are modeling the fact that your now-defunct relfexes keep pressure on the stick despite being dead…I have read cases of this happening in real life, so I htink it is a nice touch.
I’m having the same problem with the P-40. Forgot to check the airspeed , though. Just augered right into the ground, guns blazing…just like in the movies Haven’t had a chance to fly this one as much as the initial offering. Gotta get back in the air, gang! - Ed
This game looks absolutely awesome and I was thinking of buying it the other day. However, I’m not totally sure if my computer would be adequate to run it. I have:
IBM Thinkpad T23 (laptop) with P3 1.13Mhz and 128Mb ram
S3 Graphics SuperSavage/IXC SDR
Would this give me fairly good performance for this game??
Well-- your processor is alright, but I am not sure about your graphics card-- if you go to simhq.com and head to the Forums under IL2:FB, someone could help you there on that. You definitely would want more RAM…I have heard of people running the sim fine on their laptops though…my setup is:
Athlon 1.3 gig Thunderbird processor
720 MB RAM
GE Force 4 Ti 4200 card
Thanks Jeeves. I’m definitely with ya on the ram, but I’m not sure what I can do about the graphics. I’ll head over to the other forum and check it out there.