Well, I’ve built two Tiger II and they both suck! They were both built a while back. Fortunately, my son has one to build and I will go all out on his. What do you wish you could rebuild?
I built Tamiya’s M3 Lee quite a while ago and have never been truly hapy with the results. Some problems were my fault and others came with the kit itself. But from what I hear I will get my wish with the porjected release of a nwe Lee / Grant from Academy.
I’ve stripped and rebuilt two models that I built when I first got back into the hobby. The first kit I rebuilt was the DML T-80. The second kit is the JS-2, also by DML. The T-80 was redone last fall, while the JS-2 was finished a couple of days ago. When I first built these kits, the weathering was too excessive and the paint was too thick. As a result the kits were too dark and looked horrible. I never did like the way they turned out, but I didn’t want to throw them away. Now that they are rebuilt, I’m much more pleased with the end results. I’ve got a couple more kits in mind to redo, but that’s another post.
I built the Monogram Olds Aerotech kit a few years back and never did quite completely finish it. It has since disappeared and I can’t even remember if I threw it out or what happened to it. That is the one kit that I would really like to have back. It was the first kit that I ever got that actually came with spark plug wiring (In a Monogram kit no less) and I just liked the unique shape. It just looked cool!!
Hasegawa’s Me-163 Komet, 1/32, probably. Built it years and years ago and would not mind giving it another shot.
I’d redo an M3 Lee as well. I built one a long while back as a kid, then another as a teenager. I really liked the second one, but I didn’t button it up, so you could see up inside from underneath and all that.
Matter of fact…
This one’s gonna be built as “Lulubelle” from 1941. I wanna do her up as she was busting out of the paint factory and into the turpentine joint next door.
Fade to Black…
These oldies from Tamiya certainly need a little “help” during the build. But they are still fun kits to work with. I’ll wait to see what Academy has to offer with their version. Hopefully it will be a decent kit.
That’ll be the ESCI AC130 then, nothing has gone right for me on this one. it now sits with the rear doors off the main u/c and guns rattling about inside it and the top fuselage joint cracked open and some satin black enamel spilt onto the canopyand some other damage. i will re-build this one one day. I also have a machbox mozzie that has been repaired/rebuilt/converted about 7 or 8 times and it is now a right mess but i have had it since i was about 10 or 12 years old and can’t bring myself to junk the thing so i fel a restoration coming on…Gregers
a revell-monogram 1\48th heinkel he-1-11.the wings were warped and i butchered the paintwork.i tried to make it into a night fighter.i also tore most of the decals in half,but when iget the confidence back i might have another go at it.
I’d probably redo the first model I actually painted, that being a Tamiya 1/24 Monte Carlo Rally Mini Cooper. I painted it without priming, without an airbrush or a spray can. The paint is naturally quite streaky, and the white body can sort of be seen slightly through the paint. I also tore some of the decals whilst attempting to place them on the body. However, for a first effort, I was quite impressed.