If you could have it for free. . .

If you walked into your favorite hobby shop and the owner said you could have any one kit in the store for free, what would you choose?

For me, it would be the Tamiya USS Enterprise. I’ve lusted after that kit for years now. How about you?[8D]

The Academy 1/32 F/A-18. Would love to get my hands on one.

If not that, the Tamiya 1/35 Dragon Wagon. It just looks like a beautiful kit with a pretty little Sherman riding up there.


I’d have to break away from my usual tastes for this one … I’d grab the new Dragon Leopold Railway Gun.

If they were out of that one then I’d look for the old Heller model of the H.M.S. Victory.

Stood on the decks of both so I have an interest in them.

If I can get only STATIC model kits, then I’ll get the Tamiya 1/32 Zero Real Sound and Action kit or the Hasegawa 1/16 Wright Flyer. Both of them are $300 kits.

If I can have ANY kits, then I’ll get the Tamiya 1/16 RC Tiger. That’s about $900. I’m saying this because I’ll never buy any of those kits, so getting it for free is my only chance.

Either the Tamiya Enterprise or one of their 1/12 scale formula one cars (preferably a McLaren).


Somewhere out their is a 1/16 scale MLRS that is r/c.
It can even fire small rockets.
(I saw it on the web)
I guess that is the one I would want.
But I hear that their is a 1/32 scale B-17G on the way from Panda .
I am so torn.

I think I’d settle for the 1/48th AC-130 kit. That’s something you could sink your teeth into…for quite a while if you add the resin and PE and decals and… :slight_smile:

I would have to agree with demono69 on this one. I would love to put a few months of work on one of those modles[:p]

I would not mind one of those large Tamiya F1 kit, for a change… The 6-wheel JPS Tyrrell, in particular…

Yeah, the 1/32 Panda B-17 (if it exists) would be pretty serious…it’d be a good one to find out just how far you can go with the superdetailing thing…
Or the Big Wright Flyer - or the Poscher Rolls Royce (about 3000 parts including functioning brakes, wind up windows, pistons and cams that go round and up and down…Yeah, DJ - the 1/16 Tyrell P34 - what an amazing car…
Ah well, one can dream…

I think I will have the big problem - and in the end I will go out the shop without any model! I remember my first travel abroad (in 1970s) to “Western” country (Holland) - I’ve found a big modelshop in the Hague and went there for shoping. Since I had a pocket money only for one model, I spent nearly whole day looking, watching and thinking, and in the end I went back home without any model ! But now - I think Tamiya 1/48 “Val” or Trumpeter 1/24 Spitfire Mk Vb would be my choice ! Regards! Aleksander

Tamiya 1/16 R/C Pershing!

Definatly one of the 1:16 Tamiya RC´s… Maybe the King Tiger…

It would have to be either the Full option Tiger one or Pershing in 1/16.


Either a nice 1/32 scale Phantom, or the Revell 1/48 B-1B.

I’m an aircraft builder, but if I could have it for free, I’d have to choose that 1/32 ( or was it 1/72? either way, still HUGE !) U-Boat. I can’t recall which company made it, though. Of course, I’d HAVE to get the dockside, too . . .

Right now it would have to be either the Tamiya 1/32 Zero or the Tamiya Swordfish. Of course one of the new big carriers or battleships wouldn’t be bad either.

Either the Tamiya 1/32 Zero or their 1/350 Enterprise.

i would have the mpm 1/18 me 262… too bad the store doesnt have one

I have to agree.