If you could buy one kit for your collection what kit would it be?

Hi everyone,
Just a fun question for the weekend.
… I’m going to the Vancouver IPMS show to-morrow and thought I might pick up a kit or two if something caught my eye. I’m wondering what model kit , members here, might buy as a collectible or as a great kit to build, Thanks, Bill.

Beechcraft T-34 A/B mentor,this was kitted by Hasagawa.The scale is 1/72.the only T-34 I have been able to find is the C model(turbo).

If I could find it to do again, I’d grab Italeri’s 1/72 T-45 Goshawk.

The only other Goshawk kit I know of is Collectaire’s 1/48 multimedia kit.

The Italeri kit has really nice engraved panel lines and the one I built for a friend back in the late 80’s went together like a dream. The cockpit is pretty decent for the scale too.

If you like the Hawk trainers, its the only injection kit of the USN version I’m aware of, that in itself is a shame.

Thanks for the reply and welcome aboard.
…I’m kind of new here myself but enjoy the great pics and friendly advice from the kit builders that post here. Look forward to seeing your work.

Welcome all to our humble abode[8D]

As for a kit I just can’t live without (really I can, or else I would have bought it by now[(-D] would be the Accurate Minuratures SBD-3.


O M G …[:-^]
any version, scale or mfg of the Beech Staggerwing…

The 1/48 Fw-200 Condor is one I’d like-- but is a bit $$ for me…I’d also like to try my hand at the non-Grand Slam Lanc…same scale. I wonder-- do they have a Dam Busters Lanc in 1/48??

If it was released, the Trumpeter 1/48 Vigilante. Supposed to be out in the 1st quareter 2005. Even though I bulid mostly WW2, that AC always appealed to me. Whether I would actually build it, well…

Regards, Rick

A 1972 Ford Pinto.

As for me the USS San Franisco,I found the kit but it is about $200.00 and will have to wait for later.Digger

Revell has a new tool 1/72 early Mig-21 coming out soon. I saw the preview at Hyperscale. I’d pick that up in a heartbeat!


A Fine Molds 1/48 D4Y1 “Judy” to complete my 1/48 Japanese WWII carrier aircraft collection.

Some day I for sure have to get a 1:48 lancaster, a regular bomber, I have a dambuster already from way back when, (so yes, there was one, they’re pretty common on E-bay.) I’ld actually like to build a Mk.II, there were about two hundred built, they have the hercules radial and I think most of them went to Canadian squadrons hence my interest, but I think I’ll probably build those in 1:72 'cause I’ld like to build the whole line of bomber cammand in WWII and even though I heard there’s a 1:48 halifax and Wellingdon on the way, I won’t hold my breath for a 1:48 Hampden,Whittley and Stirling. Mike.

They sure do! Costs an arm and a leg too. The list of kits I wish I’d bought when I had the chance is a very, very long one. Top at the moment are the Blue Max LVG and Classic Airframes Hudson




1/48 B-1B Lancer

Because it’s huge and I’ve always wanted to build one. [:D]

If Trumpeter released a 1/32 scale Mig23/27 I would definitely purchase 3 or 4 of them for my collection. Who knows…I might even find time to build one!!!

1/32 scale Tuskegee P51 Mustang.
1/32 scale P38 lighting any version,
1/32 scale B1 lancer,
1/32 scale A10 Warthog,
1/32 scale F14 Tomcat any version,
1/32 scale F15 strike eagle any version,
Iv always wanted to build the P61 black widow.

tamiya 1/32 tomcat.

Hello all!

I’ve gotta get me one of those Tamiya 1:32 Zero’s! A close second is the 1:32 F/A18 Hornet (was that monster kit with all the parts the Hasegawa or the Academy?). Honorable mention: the Tamiya 'Cat, though I really don’t like the armor plating look of the forward fuselage.


hey mike… I also like the Halifax and looked out there tonight and there she was: http://www.squadron.com/ItemDetails.asp?item=FN6042 a 1/48 Halifax with markings for at least 3 AC…

1/48 Scale Manufacturer: Fonderie Miniature (FM) from France
Subject: Handley Page Halifax *****

Description: Handley Page Halifax. WW II British heavy bomber. Radial engine variant. Injection molded plastic w/ resin, white metal, and photo-etch detail parts. Mkgs for NP-F “Friday the 13th”, 158 Sqdn RAF and H7-Q, 346 Sqdn ‘Guyenne’, Free French AF.

it’s 90 dollars though… maybe next birthday or something for me…

sadley they didn’t have any of the other bombers you mentioned except the Wellington, even the short stirling was only covered in printed material… I think they did have a whitworth whitley in 1/72… which is funny because at least to me the Short Stirling is a more common name in RAF bombers of the period…