If not a newbie then.....


I’ve read a couple of posts where someone would identify themselves as a newbie.

So what do you call someone who’s getting back into it after a long period of not building? Like me…


Lost sheep?

Re-newbie? (Hey, I like that one!)


Well, if you are a tank or car builder, you could be a Retread… [:o)]

Welcome to the Fellowship of Resurrected Modelers!

We’re not dead yet!

I like renewbie, as I are one! Or is that were one? At what point do you stop being a newbie?

Backslider would be what you were when you last modeled and went back to the “normal” world.

Lost Sheep are those people who have yet to make the trip back to the the fabled lands of Styrenia.

Whatever you call it, if I haven’t already welcomed you to the forums…

[#welcome] to the forums! Pull up a keyboard and stay a while.