ICM Miniatures

Can anyone tell me about ICM 1/35 scale miniatures. Are they good kits or junk? I’ve seen a couple of armor kits(online)and they look pretty good. From what I can find they don’t have a whole lot of them. I’m just wondering if that’s something they’re just now getting into or it’s just an afterthought. I don’t mind being the first to find out and letting everyone else know. But I just thought I’d ask y’all about them. Tks for the info

The figure kits from ICM can be sort of hit or miss; it sort of depends on the age of the kit. The older kits were sort of rough - I have a set of crew for a Panzer IV tucked into a box somewhere that I consider to be pure junk. Excessive sheets of flash around parts, poor sculpts, and issues with scale were all considerations when I decided to shelve the kit. To be fair, it was one of their earliest figure kits and it really showed.

But, like a lot of Eastern European manufacturers, ICM has gotten better over time. The newer releases are better engineered, better sculpted, and a lot closer to scale than their initial figure kits. Some of them are now included in Tamiya’s kits as a bonus feature.