My wife asked me the standard “What do you want for your Birthday”? So, I named a few different kits. She said no, I mean which kit any kit, if given a choice, would you REALLY REALLY want?
My answer: Tamiya’s 1/16 RC Full Option Tiger 1
To me, this is MY “Holy Grail” of armor kits. I have tried, several times, to nab this kit on eBay. I’m always about $200.00 too cheap [:(]
So, my question to you: Of any kit that has been produced and you currently do not have, which would be your “Holy Grail” kit?
I don’t mean a kit you wish they made or want improvements to.
By the way, if you happen to come across a 1/16 Tiger 1 Full Option on eBay and you see my name as the bidder, please, I beg of you PLEASE don’t outbid me. (Unless you are getting it for my B-Day) [;)] [;)] [;)]
Mine would be two kits … both made by a resin company named Resicast. The Sherman BARV and a Sherman Duplex Drive. Each run around 160.00 Canadian plus shipping from Belgium. One day … maybe …
I would have to say Accurate Armour’s 1/35 Type VII U-boat and European Quayside to go with it. It’s just awesome and an unusual subject so I guess that’s why I like it so much. Their Oshkosh would also be up there. My fiance got me the 1/16 Tiger I display version for Christamas last year (I’d be afraid to run a radio controlled one after all that work!! [:p] ) but I’d kinda like the King Tiger to go with it too. Oooohhh, that’s some hard choices…[:p]
I won the Tiger I on the soon-to-be-defunct website. The Tiger is a very nice kit with all sorts of goodies. Of course, once you get it, it requires a 4-channel ground R/C controller that runs almost $200. Then since I got a $700+ kit for free, I felt that I could splurge for the $125 Aber PE detailing set and a $30 turned aluminum barrel that has the center drilled out so it can still take the LED gun blast simulator. Oh yeah, don’t forget the $30 7.2 volt R/C battery pack (as many as you think you’ll need to have fun). A battery charger runs from very cheap (overnight recharger) to $50 for a 15 minute quick charger that can run off a car battery as well as regular household current. Did I mention the R/C controller runs on 8 AA batteries.
Don’t mean to suck the joy out of your dream kit, just to let you know all the hidden expenses that the kit entails.
(Yes, I do win randomly drawn stuff all the time, and no, I do not play the lottery.)
Personally, I’d like the OOP Jim Shirley Productions (JSP) 1/25 scale M1A1 Abrams full resin kit.
I would really like to have the Scammell Commander Tank Transporter. Beautiful kit, all in resin and PE, and only about $500. Wouldn’t a Sherman look great up there?
I was in a similar situation a few months back. My choices now would be the 1/35 scale Tamiya Famo with Trailer and possibly Tamiya’s 1/16th Tiger 1 Display Model (I think all the stuff Major Rob described about the RC Version shows how much more money you’ll need to make that kit)!!!
Ok, so I’m a helo guy, shoot me…, but a 1/6 scale AH-1G to completely superdetail in Vietnam livery would be ideal… but then again, where the hell would I put it… I’m still puttin my money on the 1/1 scale AH-64A. That seems to be my best bet right now
The Airfix 1/24th scale mozzie that never was because someone at airfix chickened out and chose 1/48th instead wouldv’e been nice but seeing as they never did it its the 1/48th lanc by Tamia…Greg
If she ever asks me that one again i’ll say A DIVORCE!!! LoL…Greg
I already have the Tamiya charger and 6- 7.2 NiCad battery packs (from a previous rc car I had awhile back)
I know I would still need to get the controller.
I hear what your saying…hehehe After doing all that hard work on it, would I take it outside? Yes but, not in dirt or mud. We live almost at the end of the street on a culdesac (sp?) so, I’m sure I could have some “clean” fun with it.
Mike Dobliez (sp?) sells them on Ebay. They run $24.95+s/h and the opening bid is the Buy It Now price. He’s out of Las Vegas and his seller ID has LV somewhere in it. Do a search for 1/16 tamiya barrel and his stuff will pop up. He does a 75mm Sherman barrel and a 105mm Sherman barrel to upgun that kit. He may also do a Tiger II barrel.
Edit: Jeeves’ post takes you right to one of Mike’s barrel auctions.
Accurate Armor’s Faun ‘Elefant’ Panzertransporter. These run about $400 US. My wife says a lot of other things have to come first before I can land one of these…
It’s not that I can’t afford it, but I want to get some kits built first, so I’m eyeing Tamiya’s new Panther G with p/e parts. For something a little spendier Trumpeter’s Essex .
Just an update. I just ordered that Tamiya Panther with p/e through for only $36 & p/h [:p] It was just too good to pass up. Unfortunately I’ll have to try those zimmerit tips that were passed on to us on another kit. Dragons Elefant? [:D]