I was asked this ? Would like to see your answer

My wife asked me the standard “What do you want for your Birthday”? So, I named a few different kits. She said no, I mean which kit any kit, if given a choice, would you REALLY REALLY want?

My answer: Tamiya’s 1/16 RC Full Option Tiger 1

To me, this is MY “Holy Grail” of armor kits. I have tried, several times, to nab this kit on eBay. I’m always about $200.00 too cheap [:(]

So, my question to you: Of any kit that has been produced and you currently do not have, which would be your “Holy Grail” kit?
I don’t mean a kit you wish they made or want improvements to.

By the way, if you happen to come across a 1/16 Tiger 1 Full Option on eBay and you see my name as the bidder, please, I beg of you PLEASE don’t outbid me. (Unless you are getting it for my B-Day) [;)] [;)] [;)]

Mine would be two kits … both made by a resin company named Resicast. The Sherman BARV and a Sherman Duplex Drive. Each run around 160.00 Canadian plus shipping from Belgium. One day … maybe …

I would have to say Accurate Armour’s 1/35 Type VII U-boat and European Quayside to go with it. It’s just awesome and an unusual subject so I guess that’s why I like it so much. Their Oshkosh would also be up there. My fiance got me the 1/16 Tiger I display version for Christamas last year (I’d be afraid to run a radio controlled one after all that work!! [:p] ) but I’d kinda like the King Tiger to go with it too. Oooohhh, that’s some hard choices…[:p]


I won the Tiger I on the soon-to-be-defunct Kithobbyist.com website. The Tiger is a very nice kit with all sorts of goodies. Of course, once you get it, it requires a 4-channel ground R/C controller that runs almost $200. Then since I got a $700+ kit for free, I felt that I could splurge for the $125 Aber PE detailing set and a $30 turned aluminum barrel that has the center drilled out so it can still take the LED gun blast simulator. Oh yeah, don’t forget the $30 7.2 volt R/C battery pack (as many as you think you’ll need to have fun). A battery charger runs from very cheap (overnight recharger) to $50 for a 15 minute quick charger that can run off a car battery as well as regular household current. Did I mention the R/C controller runs on 8 AA batteries.

Don’t mean to suck the joy out of your dream kit, just to let you know all the hidden expenses that the kit entails.
(Yes, I do win randomly drawn stuff all the time, and no, I do not play the lottery.)

Personally, I’d like the OOP Jim Shirley Productions (JSP) 1/25 scale M1A1 Abrams full resin kit.

Rob, where did you find an aluminum barrel for the Tiger I??? I’ve not been able to find one. Can you post a link or somthing please???[:D][:D]


I’d like to get either the SA-6 or the 2s6 by 5 Star Models.

Eric … not sure where Major Rob found an aluminum barrel but here’s a link for one in brass.


I would really like to have the Scammell Commander Tank Transporter. Beautiful kit, all in resin and PE, and only about $500. Wouldn’t a Sherman look great up there?


I was in a similar situation a few months back. My choices now would be the 1/35 scale Tamiya Famo with Trailer and possibly Tamiya’s 1/16th Tiger 1 Display Model (I think all the stuff Major Rob described about the RC Version shows how much more money you’ll need to make that kit)!!!


Don’t know if you are still up, but check out this ebay auction for your barrel:


Ok, so I’m a helo guy, shoot me…, but a 1/6 scale AH-1G to completely superdetail in Vietnam livery would be ideal… but then again, where the hell would I put it… I’m still puttin my money on the 1/1 scale AH-64A. That seems to be my best bet right now :wink:

DML’s Leopold


The Airfix 1/24th scale mozzie that never was because someone at airfix chickened out and chose 1/48th instead wouldv’e been nice but seeing as they never did it its the 1/48th lanc by Tamia…Greg
If she ever asks me that one again i’ll say A DIVORCE!!! LoL…Greg


I already have the Tamiya charger and 6- 7.2 NiCad battery packs (from a previous rc car I had awhile back)
I know I would still need to get the controller.


I hear what your saying…hehehe After doing all that hard work on it, would I take it outside? Yes but, not in dirt or mud. We live almost at the end of the street on a culdesac (sp?) so, I’m sure I could have some “clean” fun with it.

Thanks Shearmanfreak, the brass one’s actually 1/35 but there’s an aluminum one under it for 1/16.

Jeeves thanks but I’m not real thrilled about playing the evilbay lotto [:D], I appreciate it though.


Mike Dobliez (sp?) sells them on Ebay. They run $24.95+s/h and the opening bid is the Buy It Now price. He’s out of Las Vegas and his seller ID has LV somewhere in it. Do a search for 1/16 tamiya barrel and his stuff will pop up. He does a 75mm Sherman barrel and a 105mm Sherman barrel to upgun that kit. He may also do a Tiger II barrel.

Edit: Jeeves’ post takes you right to one of Mike’s barrel auctions.

Thanks Rob. If you vouch for him I’ll give it a shot and get one.


Accurate Armor’s Faun ‘Elefant’ Panzertransporter. These run about $400 US. My wife says a lot of other things have to come first before I can land one of these…

It’s not that I can’t afford it, but I want to get some kits built first, so I’m eyeing Tamiya’s new Panther G with p/e parts. For something a little spendier Trumpeter’s Essex .

Just an update. I just ordered that Tamiya Panther with p/e through modelmecca.com for only $36 & p/h [:p] It was just too good to pass up. Unfortunately I’ll have to try those zimmerit tips that were passed on to us on another kit. Dragons Elefant? [:D]