Honestly! [:D] Most of us die-hard modelers want an issue every month. We look forward to it, it makes are day, month, etc. I know everyone needs a vacation, but if we can turn out a daily newspaper(I work for the largest newspaper in my state) with all the people who take vacations, then why can’t you turn out an issue every month? [:p] Hey, I’ll pay more and its worth every penny. So come on everybody, let FSM know how much we want two more issues.
“It is well that war is so terrible, lest we grow too fond of it.”-R.E.Lee
I would rather have 10 jam packed well done issues, as opposed to 12 thin rehashed issues. Quality, not quantity!
This topic was brought up before. I believe this was the basic reasoning in a nutshell that FSM provided.
One of the two issues could be a Reader’s Gallery issue. Surely with all the photos FSM has accumulated over the years, they could put together at least one extra issue a year. I’ve only been to 3 IPMS Nationals, but the amount of photos Paul Boyer takes versus how many make the magazine is considerable, and I know that doesn’t take into account other special events that FSM attends annually. FSM could also include interviews with “the experts” like Walt Fink, Mike Ashey, Bob Steinbrunn (sp?) and others to get their thoughts on the hobby and where it’s headed, etc. These are just a couple thoughts that I think would keep FSM at the top of the quality heap.
Gip Winecoff
Boy, do I wish we were on vacation in the months where no issue of FSM is published, but that’s sadly not the case. I think you’ll want to see Lawrence’s response in an earlier thread regarding why we’re currently at 10 rather than 12 issues:
Michael Ellis
Gee Darren, sorry I rubbed you the wrong way. [V] I can’t check every thread! I’ve seen many of the same questions asked, but never got in a tizzy about it. Thanks for the thread Michael, that dashes my hopes, but answers some questions. And yes Darren, I would rather have quality over quantity, much like owning model kits. Wouldn’t ya say? [:)] Good idea Gip, maybe they can put out some special issues devoted to reader galleries.
“It is well that war is so terrible, lest we grow to fond of it.”-R.E.Lee
Hey Tigerman, I guess that I should have thrown a few smilies in with my post. Your thread did not bother me in any way. After rereading my post, I can see where someone might think I was upset. Sorry about the confusion [:I], I hope that all is ok now [8D].
PS…what do you mean you can’t read every thread! [:)] [:p]
Sorry for overreacting Darren, I guess I’m just tired. [|)] I looked at your response and took it a little too personal. Sorry. [:I] It’s hard to deciphere some responses at times. Believe me, I wish I could read them all, but my wife tells me I can’t remember what she told me a minute ago! [:0] It’s true I must admit. [:D]
“It is well that war is so terrible, lest we grow too fond of it.”-R.E.Lee
12 issues would be great, but I have to agree with darrenbb; I certainly don’t want to see a drop in quality to get those extra two. [V]
It’s just so great to find FSM in the mailbox - no matter how many bills might be in there with it, it just makes my day![:)]