i thought this was pretty cool!!!

I am normally a tanks person as evidence by my name but i saw this on the internet and thought yall might like it… bare with me im not good at posting pictures

incase this doesnt work, the pic is a P51 D straffing a factory complex thing. lol this guy is good, the factory is made out of old medicine bottels, spare parts spurs, and pillow stuffing painted black. here is the link. http://groups.msn.com/digitaldioramas/keenansww11tomodernpics.msnw find the pics at the bottom of the page

lol what did i tell you, the two pics with the airplane in them didnt work. sorry guys follow the link

That is pretty neat. And a unique way of supporting the P-51, too.

intersting stuff man.I had a simmliar idea myself.

thats pretty cool.