I just built this 1:35 AH-1W in 10 minutes

A friend of mine who has some connections in the helicopter industry dropped this model off at my house today… I assumed it was a plastic kit, but when I opened it I found that it was a solid manufacturers promotional display model. I was able to snap the components together in about ten minutes. Looks good sitting next to my 'puter.

FITTER out [8D]

I like it! Anything with “USMC” is OK with me… Must be something like those snap-together airliner models, huh?



Exactly, but it’s HEAVY… seems to be solid resin. All the stuff just snapped in place like those Wooster airliners. Good enough for a desk display (Too bad they didn’t get the markings right… should say MARINES).



Very nice … very nice for free and 10 minutes “work” … “fun” …


Say, does your friend have strong enough “connections” in the helicopter industry to find enough of these display models for all of us … hmmmm ??? [:p]

The USAF or Lockheed-Martin have a very cool,large,motorized F-35 model:

The wheels retract and deploy,the fan duct opens and closes,the missile bays open and close,the engine rotates up and down. What scale is that? 1/8?