I just finished the build on a MiniArt T-70. The build was fun, but the real reason I do them is so I can paint them. Tonight, I pulled out the HP-C Plus (with a .30 mm nozzle) and proceeded to put the paint down - using Model Master Russian Green.
She’s drying now and I noticed that I missed a few spots.[:)] Now I’ll have to pull the AB out again and pick up those places I missed. After everything is dry, I’ll use the Harder & Steenbeck with the .15 mm nozzle to apply a very dark grey to the rubber portion of the road wheels. Then, because there wil be some overspray, I’ll have to use the same AB to touch up the center of the road wheels with more armor green.
Of course, there will be high-lighting with a few different colors and them some weathering with pigments and washes. Of course, when that’s all done, then every thing will have to be fixed in place with some Dullcote applied with the .21 mm Badger Velocity.
My only beef is that my new Silentaire compressor may need to be returned for repairs. It drops about 1 bar per hour - which it should not do, and now I’ve notice oil coming out with the air when I relieve the pressure at the end of a session. (I don’t think that is supposed to happen).
Airbrush until you drop!