I have a question... about an F6F

I’m currently working on rebuilding the old Otaki F6F-3 hellcat in 1:48 scale, and I want to modify it to F6F-5 standards. I’m stripping the paint today, so I need to know pretty soon. What things do I need to modify (I have a true details cockpit), and where can I find some references (preferably online) for the -5? Thanks in advance!


Here’s a walk around that should be helpful. Most noticable difference is that lack of window aft of the cockpit on most -5’s.



I don’t have any online references for you but the major differences were the front windshield, flat on the -5, no small bulges on the cowling where the exhaust exits over the wing, a staight dorsal antenna and no window behind the cockpit. Hope that is of some help.

The Otaki kit is a nice little kit but way short on details. If you like Hellcats as I do, pick up the Hasegawa F6F kit, a much better model. All of the Hasegawa Hellcats are basically the same kit but for a few varied sprues of detail, i.e. -3, -5N, -5K. So it doesn’t matter if you get the ‘Royal Navy’ F6F or the ‘USS Santee’ F6F, they’re the same kit with different decals.

which details are missing, exactly?

Well for instance, the Arii kit has a one piece molded fusleage versus the Hasegawa F6F that has a separate nose cowling. Makes it a whole lot easier to attach a resin correct nose cowling. The Arii kit has a one piece blah engine versus at least a four piece engine in the Hasegawa kit. The Hasegawa F6F has a lower one-piece molded wing versus what the Arii kit has. The Hasegawa F6F just seems to have more than the Arii. Now, the Arii is a steal at $10.00 bucks or less. So its a trade off. Cheap or detailed?