I got it!

I wanted the Tamiya Marder III since I’ve started building armor but that kit was retailed between 36$ and 40$ in some hobby shop in Montreal. Luckymodel.com has a sale for some Tamiya armor and figures. I will have it at my door in less than two weeks for 24$.[:)]

I bought some stuff there before and they do business good. Have a look, you might find some kit at a fairly good price.


I’ve used them too. I tried to save a few bucks once and opted for surface mail. Three months later the $2 I saved seemed meaningless. But I picked up 3 Academy 1/48 aircraft kits for $4.99 each.

When doe sthe Marder III hit your bench?

Well, not until I have it in my hand. And I have to make the flak gun for the Artillery and Field Guns GB.

That Marder III kit was recommended to me from one of you guys but I don’t remember who.

Mucker: Yann is in Canada and they have a very uncompetitive distribution system through a monopoly distrubutor which charges outrageous rates for Tamiya goods to hobby shops. In the US, we have many more options.

You’re right! And most of the time, its cheaper to get the stuff from Hong Kong than from the US.

Usually, if the price is not that higher, I buy in Cananda or US. But when there is a good deal …


I must have worded that poorly. I was referring to trying to save a few bucks on surface mail vs. air mail. For the minimal difference, I had to wait 3 months to get my models!

I’m a fan of Lucky Model. Sometimes they have deals that can’t be beat. Sounds like the Marder III was one of them!

Gotcha! Yes, surface mails sucks. Better spend a few bucks more. And double check the prices cause in some cases, it doesn’t worth it.

So you got it for $24 CAD, including shipping?

Nope! $23.24 USD which end up $27.88 CDN but yes including shipping. That’s crazy, isn’it? From Hong Kong!!!

Including shipping from Hong Kong? Wow, man that really is a freaking deal. Gotta check this place out.

I know that I suggest this kit alot, you’ll enjoy it I’m sure. Have fun.

The prices at luckymodel, including shipping to North America, look ridiculously good, especially when our dollar is running so high against the $US. Academy’s new rendition of the M3 Lee with interior goes for $US 32.00, so about $35 Canadian or so with shipping. I’ve yet to order from them - do you get hit with any import duties or GST upon arrival?


That fu***ng GST of course! It is a nice website to make a quick search also and they have plenty of aftermarket products.

Enjoy the kit…it is amazing how Tamiya kits start high, drop in price, and when they become semi-scarce again, they get expensive. I got mine for $27 at a LHS a year after its release. It is now back to $37 at the same store.

If you move over to upstate NY, you can go to Canada, spend money, and then the lovely GST will get refunded to you. Unfortunately…NY is one of the highest taxed states in the union.

Have a good weekend.

it sure is, however, it’s still cheaper than Canada. While I was growing up I couldn’t afford to get the good modelling tools and kits and such. Dragon kits were sold for 60 bucks a pop… that’s alot for a young guy. Tamiya kits, forget it, 50 bucks for the Flak 88. It sucked. Since I’ve moved to Long Island, I have had nothing but an easy time getting great kits and more importantly the RIGHT TOOLS to produce a good look to the kit I’ve built. Borgefeldt Canada I believe the name is of the monopoly distributor in Canada has no respect from me!!! Good luck Yann! And come to the US, you’ll be alot better off modelling wise