Hi to all you crazy modellers out there! Call me a dummy-head but I was looking at the assembly plans for my very first model aircraft since I built my last one about 40 years ago. [:p] Yes it’s a P-51B Mustang by Tamiya. While looking at the decal plan I noticed the letters are in reverse comparing the left side of the plane to the right. I was just wondering why? Please don’t hesitate to send me a line.
Using the Tamiya P-51B markings for “Shangi-la” as an example, “VF” is the squadron identifier, while “T” is the individual aircraft identifier. The 8th and 9th air forces located the squadron ID towards the front on both sides of the aircraft. The RAF sometimes had the squadron ID at the rear on the right side of the aircraft - the squadron ID would then be to the left regardless of what side of the aircraft you were looking at.