I am famous for only doing 1/72 kits and below, so I decided to move up a bit....

And today I bought the Academy Jagdpanther german tank destroyer in,

1/25 scale baby!

HE HE HE!! I can see fully proportional RC in the works…oops, did I say that out loud? lol
This kit looks like so much fun, I cant wait to open it. Anyone else have experience with this kit at all? How large is the actual tank when built? I saw a tiger 1 build in this scale, and it is more than 1 foot long!

Well, just thought I would let you guys know that I have decided to broaden my horizens a bit…[:)]

I seem to finish a model every week, I work on them a lot, mostly because it is my only love besides family…And I am not married. Hopefully this one will take me a LOT longer. Are the larger scale kits more detailed? Just as many or more peices?
If you have built a 1/25 scale tank or military vehicle, please post some pics so I know exactly what I have gotten myself into…[8D]

As a dedicated 1/72 scale builder I wish the best of luck on moving up in the world [;)]

So wbridge, you mostly build 1/72 too? I find that it is easier to hide my mistakes in smaller scale…But that overall it is harder to build.

Yup, I work exclusively in 1/72 and 1/76 scale, for two main reasons. 1) When I first started with the hobby I was building them for historical wargamming, so that’s what I’m used to working with; 2) The wife and I live in a small one bedroom condo at the moment so storage space is a big issue (my wife is very good about giving me a portion of the storage room, but has made it clear that expanding beyond those bounds is at my own risk [;)])

When I get more time and space I’d like to give some of the larger scales a shot, but that’s a little ways in the future at this point.

Is this kit suitable for radio controlled conversion? If so, what would be the best way to do it?

No one does 1/25 scale modeling?

Nice subject and if I’m correct I think it used to be a Tamiya kit. Should turn out to be a fun build. Gotta practice up on your zimmerit. He he he. Definately won’t be a one nighter.

Lol, It takes me a week to build 1/72 kits… I really do not know how someone could take any longer. I work only an hour or 2 a night, sometimes more on weekends. Keep in mind though, all of the pics I shared yesterday were ones that had accumilated because I had my digital camera in the shop. I didnt pull them out the backside after a day, lol
Anyone know any people who have made dioramas out of large scale kits such as the one I have?

I am thinking about replicating the parts from bass/ thin plywood and resin as I go… Could be interesting I guess. I have skills in the scratchbuilding area, I just cant paint, so my models look like a noob’s, lol I am not painting this one until I get my air brush in a few weeks…

Well, good luck on your new scale. I can only say one thing…you need to get more space. LOL.

Here is the kit NIB:

Tracks and road wheels next to my 1/72 scale tiger…

The insides when you first open it:

For your veiwing pleasure, I am planning to post daily updates, and so I can gain responces and suggestions. Hopefully I inspired someone to buy this kit now![:)]

I’ve eye balled that kit for some time but as Dwight said…you need more room. So I’m out…as of now anyway.

more room? For what? It is smaller than your average rc car…

Howdy, Soldier! I have the ol’ Tamiya 1/25 Jagdpanther, which is essentially the same thing. The Tamiya kit came with individual link tracks, though.

If you’re interested in RC, Tamiya also released their Panther A a coupla years back with a nice RC package that should just drop right in the Jagdpanther.
Of course, you’d have to buy a Panther, too! Unless someone out there bought the RC Panther and only wanted a static kit.

By the way, I have seven 1/25 tanks, three 1/24 tanks, and five 1/16 tanks. And no where to put 'em!!!

LOL, that pic of the road wheels and tracks next to the Tiger definitely puts things in perspective. Not familiar with that scale at all in terms of armour, so not much that I can suggest. Good luck and post updates [:)]

Hi fellows. I’m new in the forum,(and sorry because my english is very bard) I’m smallscaler too, I did the inverse way, from 1/35 to 1/72.
Today is impossible to me think in another big kit, if a 1/72 kit could take me more than 20 days, I don’t know how much time a 1/35, or 1/25 could take…
I want to ask you, wath opinion do you have abouth the 1/43 scale?, certanly if there where more possiblities in these scale I would choose it.

Welcome aboard, cpitt01[:)]