Another long drawn out build was at last completed last night!
This once was the Hobbycraft 1/48 Hawker Hurricane Elite Series “Night Intruder” (MkIIc). Unfortunately, I completely butchered the PE interior (including cockpit framing), so I think I eliminated the “elite series” portion. Now, it’s a standard Hobbycraft kit. For $5 it was a good lesson learned on how to not strongarm delicate pieces of etched bass.
Anyways, this plastic itself fit very nicely, but is sparse on detail. According to some reviews, there are even some panel lines missing on the wings. Nevertheless, it is a nice simple kit. Drawn over 6 weeks with plenty of dead void, I could tell I lost the “flow” of a normal build and gave in to time vs. quality. I applied too much yellow to the spinner and noticed some silvering of the decals after I applied the flat coat. It will be in the shop for repairs over the next few days…
All of the above stated errors are due to my skill level, and I enjoyed this nice little kit. The Hurricane is a neat little plane, often overshadowed by the Spitfire. This was my fourth time to use Polyscale Clear Flat, and once again I am impressed witht he results of the finish. Weathering was minimally applied, and the decals are Aeromaster.
Nice job overall, Mucker! I feel your pain regarding the photo etch parts, I juat had ny first experience(disaster) usibg pe on a 1:48 Fujimi P-51D kit []. I think that your Hurricane came out quite nicely. Thanks for sharing!
philo426: This was the 1/48 Revell AG kit.If I could give a short plug for them, this was one of the nice Revell kits I have seen. Nice fit and great detail. While I used Am decals (only for the wasp), the kits decals looked pristine.