Humbrol Confusion

Hi all,

My first time on the Painting forum – greetings from Australia.

Iv’e been trying to obtain a particular shade locally, FS 34151, “Interior Green,” this being one of the pool of armor colors used by the US Army and USMC in recent decades.

Humbrol used to have it as #151 (a convenient way to remember the shade) but it’s been discontinued. Testor have the shade (#1715, not available in this country at this time). Gunze have it as H58 in their Aqueous range, but with a satin finish – appropriate perhaps for an aircraft cockpit but hardly for its use as an armor camo shade.

Today I picked up a new “Interior Green” from Humbrol, #226 in their Super Enamel range, and I’m trying to get a handle on the shade designation. It looks pretty close, but might not be yellow enough, and nowhere on the web have I yet located a color comparison chart sufficiently up to date to include this shade.

Does anyone have a chart that gives an FS reference # for Humbrol #226?

Hoping y’alls can help,


[#welcome] to the forums! this doesn’t have it listed, but it might still be of some help. Good luck. Oh, and another thought, the Gunze could be used, and then use a coat of Future and flat base to make it a dead flat finish.

No, but I found a mix for FS34151 using Humbrol paints 10 pts Hu:150 + 7 pts Hu:80 + 3 pts Hu:109 if that is helpful.

I have a Humbrol swatch book, that shows the 226, but I think it’s far too dark for 34151!

Look at the “Color Chart” thread in this forum. Piwi has just put up a correspondence chart on his web site.

Hi guys,

Thanks for the welcome! It’s good to be here.

I’ve bookmarked that new comparison chart, and noted that mixing reference, but I’m wondering about the three parts WW1 blue – the Gunze shade is definitely toward the yellow part of the green range, not the blue, and it matches the photos of the shade in use in Verlinden’s Abrams book. I think the yellow content of the shade is probably increased with wear and sun-fading, so this may be something to play up with an additive coat over the base color.

It looks like Testor still make 34151, it’s on their website and squadron still list it in stock, but the Aus distributor is not carrying it. I have one shop left to try for remaining stock, then, if there’s no joy, I’ll pick up the Gunze and use that as a mixing guide for an enamel equivalent.

The lengths we go to for accuracy! Still, the model has waited this long, it might as well be done right!

