Hello everbody…
just want to ask question about raised panel line… most of aircraft i build were the one with recessed panel. However, i just bought a few old kits …some of them are dated back as early 80’s and the panels lines are all raised. My question:[?]
How to finished the models ?? I mean to emphasive the lines …i assume the normal dark color wash, acrylic soap etc…etc…cant be used to higlight the lines…so any suggestion.
Do i need to sand them away and scribe the new lines?? (Man…i hope this will not the choice…)
I’ve read somewhere in FSM on scaletalk on this raised panel lines…i think that subject is an F-14…
Someone out there should write article about this…(or it already available…)
Help is greatly appreciated…
Eeeeww!! Nasty…
If you want nto add realistic weathering and washes, there are really only two options - (but others may have better ideas)
Carefully assemble the model, taking care to prevent damaging the raised panel lines. Then, paint the model with a dark color (depends on what your final topcoat color is) then the final topcoat color. Then, carefully scrape, sand or buff the top color paint off of the raised panel lines. If the a/c color is fairly light, then using this method will create dark lines along the raised lines. This method would be easier of the plastic of the model was the right color to begin with.
Using a wash will only accentuate the corners on BOTH sides of the raised lines, and this would probably look odd.
Assemble the model and then sand off the lines, re-scribe, and then use a wash to accentuate the panel lines.
Good luck and let us know how you get on…
I posted a question on this very topic about a month ago. One kind person suggested running a pencil very gently over the raised panel lines. This will highlight them nicely. I tried it and the lines looked good. I guess you can seal them then with a clear overcoat.
Actually have had good luck with all the above methods. Kind of depends on your skill level and patience. The easiest is to use a sharp pencil, just remember to reverse the light/dark sides, from what you would normally see. For example, if the light is coming from above, the top half of the panel recess will be dark and the bottom light, so with raised lines, high light the top, and you should be ok. The only fault with this technique is that if you take close up pictures, the jigs up. As the illusion will become apparent. To rescribe, I usually leave the raised line in place as a guide, and consistantly scribe below and to the left or above and to the right and then sand off the raised lines. Problem here is, if there are rivets, you’ll have to redo them as well.
Just remember what you’re doing is creating an illusion, and the technique you choose depends on the time you have to spend and the mannor in which the model will be dosplayed.
How convinient these days to get help…i just about to go back to my home town (100 miles away) just to search for FSM article about raissed panel method… but how lucky i am here…
Drew, thanks for the links, i’ve just read all of them…and i’m starting to imagine the pencil line method…suddenly a flash of light hit my brain…but i dont know if this work…anyway here’s my ideas…[:0]
since my model is in 1/32 scale…the’re lot’s of line to be drawn and long too… to rescribbe is time consuming…(i’ve lost my patience over this before…)[:(!]
so how about i follow the pencil method…and then i substitute pencil line with my method below: [:o)]
1.apply the lead carbon on a piece of paper
2. gently rub/buff it with my finger…
3. slowly (patiently) ‘walk’ the finger or rubbing the finger along the lines carefully.
4. sealed it.
5. Wallaaaaaaaaa… (hopefully)[:D]
how about it guys…anyone try this before??
Thanks for the good luck wishes…i sure will need them …[:p]
ps: i will start the project maybe 3 more weeks since i need to finish another project
sand off all the panel lines while the plastic is still grey. then use a PERMANENT MARKER and have it around the area. then future it. then paint it. voila. partially highlited approximate panel lines… actually i have no idea of what just happend. rescribing is easy: took about 20 min to rescribe the ENTIRE PLANE of my 1/32 me 262
Hey, that sounds like a good idea. I’ve also thought about using a charcoal pencil to try the same thing. I’m working in 1/72 scale, so the lines are small and close together. Using paper to apply the graphite or charcoal sounds like it might work.