Howdy! New guy from Chile....

Hi all, my name´s Klaus, chilean modeller for almost 15 years. Intermitent reader of Finescale (read only the borrowed ones[:o)]). New to this forum, want to introduce myself to the community. Although I´m a proud member of the Chilean Navy, my main modelling interest it´s Modern Armour, mainly US, German, and of course Chilean.

See you around mates!

[#welcome]to the forum

[#welcome] to the forums! Pull up a keyboard and stay a while.

My Spanish is terrible, so I’ll just say Hola!

Welcome Klaus… good to have you here.

Hi Klaus, [#welcome] to FSM I hope you enjoy your time here.


Welcome to FSM, Klaus!

Welcome to the Forums Klaus [#welcome].

Regards, Rick




… from a Sydney Aussie…
(Bi-plane and Tri-plane builder)


Hope you enjoy FSM
