Hi, folks! I just found this website today, although I’ve been a subscriber to FSM since September, 1989. I’ve been building for as long as I can remember…earliest recollections are of Aurora kits like Godzilla and The Creature, along with assorted aircraft and armor.
I’m interested in a wide variety of subjects, including SF, autos and monsters (particularly giant Japanese), but the common threads throughout the years have been aircraft and armor, with armor coming out on top. These days it’s armor that I put most of my efforts into.
I’ve lived in Japan for nearly 10 years, mainly in Osaka, working as a translator and supervisor for an insurance firm. If you’ve ever been to Japan, then you know what an absolute heaven it is for modelers of all interests. Fantastic hobby shops on almost every corner (well, on a lot of corners, anyway) full of kits of every genre and maker, as well as tools and aftermarket gear like resin and PE parts.
The level of modeling here is, as you might expect, extremely high. One look at Hobby Japan, Armor Modeling, Model Art, or any other Japanese modeling mag is ample evidence of that. I’m always humbled whenever I bring a work to a contest.
As I am when I see the great works presented in FSM!
I look forward to checking out all the great features of this site and communicating with fellow modelers from around the world.
I really do need to figure out how to use a computer, though…
Should I use my real name? Oops. Whatever. Brian, J-Hulk, anything’s fine.