How was your Father's day?

We know Zookeeper’s wife bought him a brigade of Shermans [:D] so, to our Dad’s out there, how was your day?

Before I left for the race on Saturday, my little one (Just turned 2) handed me a gift bag. Inside was: Tamiya’s 1/35 Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf I , 1/35 German Sturmtiger 38cm Assault Mortar [:p] and 1/48 Me262-A2a W / Kettenkraftrad.

Hey, tankers, do look at the General Modeling Discussion forum Father’s day thread… Some good ones there! LOL

Your going to like the Panzer III, I just got one and started it…but, I got the M1A2 and now I may just have to crank that little baby out since I’ve been waiting two months for it. My Father’s Day was really nice, we spent the day at the Zoo and had some really good meals. Best of all was quality time with the family.