Just wondering about how to read the pressure on the compressor. If I “dial” it to show 25 psi, when I press the airbrush trigger the dial will drop to about 15 psi. Does that mean I’m spraying at 25 psi or at 15 psi? [%-)]
It means when you push the trigger the first blast is 25 psi and the the longer you hold it. It is at 15 psi… When I turn my compressor on I let it build the pressure up and let it turn off. Then I adjust the pressure to what I want while I hold the trigger down on my A/B.
This way I know I am spraying at the pressure I want… Usually the first burst of air is done away from the model so it doesn’t really matter what that pressure is. ( if you have a double action A/B. It doesn’t matter if the brush is over the model).
Hope this helps
Thanks, that’s what I suspected.
You don’t have an airtank do you?
I set mine at the pressure I want and when I press the trigger it drops about 2 lbs or so, no big deal.
I always go by static pressure on the gauge and not the pressure while in use.
hey warlock, that is an interesting idea on the pressure. I’ll have to give it a try[8D]
Unfortunately no… Hoping to get a tank though.
That is the reason for the large air pressure drop.
I had a Paasche D500 years ago and it did the same thing so I put an airtank between the compressor and airhose to smooth out the airflow and also to keep the pressure more stable.
I don’t remember how much of a drop it had though as it’s been a long time.