You know there are too many model kits in the market that comes with raised panel lines… specially in my country… well I’ve never tried to re-scribe tha panel lines of my model kits… well… I want to try it with my recently buyed Italeri 1/72 He-111H-6… but I don’t know how to do it… and what about rivet details?.. perhaps you can help me…
Start with this …
For rivits try using a punch wheel from your local sewing supply store.
well Swanny has a great site to go to but I found out the best way for me was to use 12 inch & 6 inch Metal Mechanics Rule, Drafting Circle Templet, Embossing Tape, Exacto Knife w/#11 blade, and a Re-scribing Tool from Squadron,
first I use the Exacto Knife to score the panel lines with the help of the Rule and for the panel lines the go over seams I use the Embossing tape and if there are any curved panel lines I use the circle templet, the after the panel lines had been scored then I re-scribe the lines lightly, after they are done then I sand the parts starting with 220 grit and work it up to 1500 grit or 2500 if I’m doing BMF, then after that the re-scribe 1 last time just to clean the lines out then assemble the kit
I prefer to use an Olfa scriber and old photo etch frets as a straight line, either held in place by hand or tape. Firstly I sand the raised lines off, then use the faint line as a guide.You can then use liquid poly glue on the rescribed panel lines to clean it up. Obviously dont use too much, as it
s very strong stuff and can melt plastic if applied too thickly.
Zero, I’m doing exactly the same thing on Italeri’s Do217K1, and so is Ninedriver on their Do217K2.
I strongly recommend the article on Swanny’s site, it didn’t change the way I worked, but at least confirmed that I was doing things the right way, most of the time!
The Dymo tape is a must, just take your time. I must have spent at least 6 - 7 hours on the Dornier so far, scribing, filling, and then rescribing until I a, happy with the line. And I still have several more hours ahead of me.
Just make sure you do your scribing before you build the kit, it is far easier!
Best of luck.
I’m going to embark on my first major rescribing project… That Heller Rafale A kit comes with engraved panel lines but I’ve had to use so much filler than very few are left…
DJ, welcome to the Honourable Guild of Engravers!
Wow, Swanny rules.
I’m so happy that I grabbed that scribe from work. I knew it would come in handy.