How to paint the frames embeded in the canopy ??

There are many 1/350 aircraft in the 1/350 TAMIYA enterprise carrier kit.
In order to make the finish more realistic, I want to paint the frame
deployed on the canopy. But the frame is so small and thin. The painting job
will cost much effort when dealing with so many small aircraft.
Doese anybody know a efficient method to deal this problem??

I have 85 aircraft in my ‘E’ wing. They turned out very nice, especially after I appilied the decals. If you are talking about the the canopy frames, I just freehanded mine with a brush with the color of the fuselage. Good Luck!

Not sure where you are with this one, but I typically just painted the planes the overall color and then went back and applied the details. I the example you asked about I typically painted the windows in with black or dark grey paint and made sure that I exposed the frames or at least those I felt you could see. About the only time I got into trouble with this is when you had the Navy scheme with Grey top and White lower and control surfaces. White can be somewhat difficult to paint over gray and I normally do a light to dark when I paint.

Get the Gold Medal Models Enterprise carrier air wing canopy decals and use solv-a-set. It beats painting ANYDAY!!!I have photos of my finished product, but I don’t know how to post, so if you want to see it contact me @ and I’ll send you some pics.
