how to make Monogram F/A 18A into a C?

Hi guys,
i may have asked this before on this forum, but I have the Two-Bobs sheets for F/A 18A VFA-97 and F/A 18C VFA-146. I had asked which kit would be good to make these two machines and was recommended the Monogram Blue Angels kit (5820) and now have two of these kits.

So the question is… how do I make one into a “C”? The impression I got was that the kit was set up to make as either version, but after a quick look through the instruction sheet, there is no apparent way to do this.
Cna anyone advise me on this please?

Thanks in advance

Also, any advise on loadouts for either of the squadrons mentioned above?

does anybody know?
No F/a18 experts out there?


I will try to answer your question the best that I can,but I am by no means an “expert”.

From what I can tell the main differences between a “A” model and a"C" model are very subtle. For the most part from what I have observed is that the “C” model has a few more "bumps and “bulges” around the airframe. The single most notable difference is the two bumps on the top of the aircraft a couple of feet behind the canopy.There are also bumps on both sides of the nose,just behind the radome. This is a pic of an “A” model Hornet and this is a pic of a “C” model even though this “C” belongs to another country ,it has the bumps that I am talking about. The only other distinguishing differences are in the cockpit.And even then the changes are barely noticable unless you know what to look for. It mainly has to do with the engine and fuel system operation gauges on the front instrument panel. On the “A” model these gauges were scrolling and circular analog style.On the “C” models these gauges were upgraded to digital bar scales and readouts.The only other difference that I can tell you is that the ejection seat in the “A” model is typically the SJU-5/6 seat. In the late model “C”'s these have been replaced by the SJU-17 NACES seats…well I hope I was somewhat of some help.If you are still confused ,shoot me an e-mail and I can send you some pics of research material that has clearer pics of what I was trying to explain. Talk to you later. Scot

I may be wrong on this, modern USN aircraft aren’t really my thing, but the small vertical strakes on the LEX’s were introduced with the C/D model F-18s. I don’t think the A/B models had them. These are commonly called the “dork mod” because the little fins were so highly radar reflective that they effectively doubled the F-18’s RCS. Again, I’m no expert, but this is what I’ve been told. I’ll also second what 68 said.


Fine Scale Modeler made an article - IIRC it is precisly converting the Monogram A to a standard C model. Check the pdf index

thanks guys. I appreciate it. I did notice that on closer inspection, the Angels kit looks for all the world like a C model. But I’m no expert. heh eh.

nuno: Where in the index? I guess I’ll have to sift through all the magazines??

A68: Does that mean the engines are the same on both variants?

Thanks for the inforamtion ppl/

Hey Liam,
The engines are basically the same. The engines in the “C” model are new updated models of the basic engine that came in the “A”. The actual designation for an “A” model engine is the GE F404-GE 400. The engines in the “C” models are GE F404-GE 402. I think externally there is very little discernable difference between them.I have to apologize about the strakes on the LEX here is a pic of them. Thanks for catching that Cobrahistorian!! I completely missed those,and they are probably the single most prominant feature on a “C”.These were added later in the “A”'s life due to premature fatigue cracking at the bottom of the vertical stabs caused by the airflow coming from the LEX’s .They tried to use external reinforcements on some versions and then later added these strakes to "straighten " (for lack of a better term) out the airflow.I hope this helps…like I said,if you need more … just e-mail me. Later, Scot