How many Blackhawks will fit in AN-124?

The loadmaster said six but we only put in three plus 1 HEMTT, 1 HMMV+trailer and 4 ISU 90’s. It looks pretty small inside until two A/C are in there side by side. There are some interesting dio possibilities there (RM AN-124 and Dragon Hawks)



I agree - that would be nice and huge dio)))))) Unfortunatly not my scale )))))))

Once I had an idea of scratchbuilding the tail (just the very end of it with wings and stabilizer) of B-52 for “a little” Vietnam dio in 1/35 scale)))))) What was I thinking about? ))) Then I look at the scheme (blueprints) of this monster and made approximate calculations - it was WAY OUT of planned dio size range)))) Of course 1/144 is much smaller but AN-124 Ruslan is still a huge plane!


where did you load AN-124 with Black Hawks? What country was it belong to?


The 124 belongs to Volga-Dnepr Airlines from Russia. We did the load out in the states. Why not a C-5? That is paygrades above me.


Did this happen at Dobbins?

The An-124 is a big boy; I saw one at Orlando Intl four years ago

Is there more than just one AN-124?

There are around 50 of them right now

There was only one AN-225 built - the world’s largest aircraft


Gotcha. I had the numbers mixed up. Thanks!

A whole bunch, if you smash em up real flat!

Bwahahahahahahaha! [}:)]

We haven’t done anything like that in at least a month!

It was at Dobbins. Funny thing about it was the C-5 crew that watched and laughed at us when their ride home landed!
