I have steered clear or liquid masking fluids like maskol because every time I have used them I end up with bits of Maskol that dont want to be removed. Eventually you get them off but usually you’ve scratched the finished paint. I’m sure gloss finishes are easier to deal with, but maskol loves to cling relentlessly to matt finished nooks and crannies. Like around rivets or edges of wheel wells for example.
I have tried placing paper under the maskol to make it easier to pull off. I’ve cleaned with swab soaked in water and alchohol, used toothpicks to get in to details but to me Maskol ends up being more trouble than its worth. So whats the secret?
Not familiar with Maskol, but I use sticky scotch tape to lift off MicroMask, usually with good results.
IMHO, the answer is heavy, heavy friggin coats. Layer after layer of coats and it should pull off with pointed tweezers. I recommend building a a little raised layer so you have something to grip on to, preferably near the edge.
I second Shawn’s technique, the only success I have had is to put in multiple think coats.
forget the Maskol. use Mr. Masking Sol NEO by Gunze Sangyo. easy to apply, dries in 45 mins, easy removal. just use thin coats as the basecoat will lose it’s gloss when applied heavily. but this problem maybe overcome with a fresh clear/matt coat. IMHO. Goodluck!