How do you do it?

Aside from the obvilous snicker remarks, how do you more experienced ship modelers go about painting a WWI/WWII warship either in solid schemes or camoflauge?

Small sub-assemblies at a time?

Spray the whole thing when half done then maskoff portions and paint the next color so on and so forth?

Kinda new at the ship building and wanted a few painting tips [:)]



You’ll probably find that each modeler has a different approach to this bit. Personally, I have always liked to do the paint step by step in subassemblies, since trying to mask off 1/350 details is a royal pain.

I kinda figured that would be the way to go about it, too much to try and get to otherwise. All in all with a catch 22 question like this I bet whichever way a fella goes about it it still takes the same ammount of time.

One note on masking though, using the liquid latex mask from Woodland Scenics does a fantastic job of masking in my past experience. Spray, Mask,Spray,Peel kinda all there is to it.
