Ok I’m starting a new diorama and I want to make a street scene. How do I make the streets? Are they cobble stone or concrete? are there any kits that i can buy that are streets? Any help would be appriciated.
The bigguy
Verlinden has card stock of streets. Most Euro streets were/still are/either, cobblestone, brick, or dirt.
lots of cobblestone, and some pavement
Mostly cobblestone, some paved in major cities. dirt/cobblestone in small town and dirt in the country (except the autobahn).
sometimes I swear they are cobblestone on the autobahn? maybe it’s just my crappy car? but claymore68 hit the nail on the head really well.
May i ask how can i paint the street and what are the colours that i can use.
Another more difficult way to make this… with plaster of Paris and a knife (handmade), makes a paper card or wood form, spill the plaster inside theform, waits to be almost dry, removes the mold and sculp the cobblestone. …it´s complicated…but cool…
I think cobblestones would probably show wear like concrete (oil stains etc.) but the stones would be various shades of grey. The paving bricks here (yes we still have some brick streets) have a very glossy surface, except where snow plows have scraped them, and they don’t show oil staining. there no grasses growing between the bricks either but there is some type of lichen in a few areas. If I can get to that part of town I’ll take some pics to post.
I’ll take some pictures of some cobblestones in different areas and post them . that should help give you a great idea of what the real ones look like?
but in the mean time they are like a blackish dark grey, some are really poor condition and look chipped away they look like a brownish grey.
what area are you planning on making your scene represent as the rock quaries are of different rock in the respective areas?
Good point Redleg, color depends on where the stones were quarried.
The scene is at a corner in Arnhem
check out this link. it shows a picture of a cobblestone street.
so what are the colurs do you think are used
I have seen at least one reference to using chicklets or similar candys as cobblestones (painted after filling in the spaces with thinned plaster, of course) but as to the color, unless it is a new street I would expect it to be a uniforn shade of ground in grime, with shadings of oil drippings in the middle of the lanes. In low spots along gutters or where the pavement has sagged from the pressure of traffic the pattern of stones may be totally obscured by dirt that has settled in.