I’m not able to figure out how to post a photograph. I have seen others with pictures, and it seems that people like viewing them, as they ask for more pictures. Can anyone please help me?
Wellcome to the forums [:)]
i was in the same boat and asked the question in another post here http://www.finescale.com/fsm/community/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=5522
sorry its in the Armour forum look down at Shermanfreaks posts he told me
Thanks for the Info! I got it to work. Now if I can stop myself from taking pictures long enough to finish another kit . . .
i have been trying to figure this out too, Captain. I went to the pic…went to largest size, but when i right clicked…nothing happened…could not get properties window to appear.
When you do a new post, click the “add image” icon in the dialog box. Click between the 2 sets of brackets. If you are in the rongeorge gallery, type http://rongeorge.com/albums/ type category here/ type what you titled your image on your computer, with a_in the spaces between words, followed by .jpg (or whatever the file type is) This should insert the image. Hope this works for you. Good luck.
welcome to the forum!
I think you tried to contact me via e-mail but my silly e-mail program didn’t let it through. I think I fixed the problem so feel free to try again!