Hola from Pittsburgh

Greetings, campers.

Though I’ve been keeping in practice by working on miniatures, I haven’t worked on models for several years. I must have known I’d start again, though, because I’ve been accumulating kits all that time, and now I finally have the time.

I’d built all manner of aircraft and sci-fi kits when I was younger and I’m returning to those formats, as well as branching out into armor. I’ve got a set of Abrams conversion projects in the works, as two or three Patlabor kits to go with them - it’s a long story. :slight_smile:

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello adn that I look forward to hearing from you. Have a nice one!

Hi ya doctorguilty

Welcome to FSM Community Plastic Modelers Forum(s) … I’m glad you stopped in, joined up and said hello. [:)]

Sounds like you are coming back into the scale plastic end of the hobby “big-time” … and the fact that you were picking up kits here and there should have you in good shape to start up again.

I hope you will spend some time here in the Forum(s) … read a little, post a little … toss in your 2 cents worth from time to time.

I am sure you will find us to be a very friendly and diverse group of scale modelers … from all over the world. [:p]

Again welcome and have fun! [^]

Welcome to FSM doctorguilty. Be very careful venturing into the realm of armour … you may never find your way back. See you in the Armour Forum.

Hey, doc
Welcome aboard. Looks like you’re going to discover the reality of life - too many models and not enough time. There’s so much out there these days…you could get lost forever.
Why not post some pictures of your miniatures? We’d all like to see them.
Have a good one,

Oh, I’ve been there for years, I promise. :slight_smile:

Is there a place to post pics in this forum?

Kinda, sorta. What you need to do is find a place to host your pics at, RonUSMC who is one of the members here has a picture hosting site that he allows FSM modellers to post their pics on for free. From there you can hyperlink a graphic into any of the posts that you make in the FSM forums.