For those of you who have a Hobby Lobby store nearby, check out their web site. They are offering a 50% off coupon on plastic models. The coupon is good this week only. Just print off a copy and take to the local store. It works like a charm. I just purchased a ProModeler 1/48th scale Stuka for $10.00, regular price $19.99. Take advantage of it.
Yep, just bought the same one, as well as a 1/48 scale Ju-88. But I’m also blessed because my wife works there, so I get to use her 15% discount as well!! Woohoo!!
Thanks for the heads up on the coupon. I showed it to my wife, now she and I will be taking a little trip to use it Friday. She is great. Now…what to buy![:D]
Thanks for the heads-up. The coupon is located here:
My question is this: do you think this coupon is good for more than one kit? It’s unclear to me… There is nothing that says “limit one”.
Woo hoo!
- Snacko
Thanks for the heads up. This just saved me $13…
You can buy as many kits as you want with one coupon. I bought two with one coupon, and plan to go back on Saturday (the last day the coupon is valid, and after their Friday shipment is in and on the shelves, and a day after my payday!!) and buy more.
AFIntel (TSgt USAF)
Thanks glu snfr… I picked up four new kits and like AFIntel will be back there Saturday morning checking out the new deliveries
Picked up an Tamiya 1/48 F-117 and 1/35 M1A1. I wish my Hobby Lobby had a better selection, but for 50% off I’ll try anything!
- Snacko
Glad I could help. I’ve got to credit my wife with giving me the “heads up” on the coupon. She’s signed up with Hobby Lobby to receive a weekly emailing from them and printed off the coupon. She’s always been very supportive of my hobby. We recently remodelled our basement, where I had my work table. We added a bathroom and drywalled the area around my work table and she said, “This can be the ‘Airplane room’ you’ve always wanted.” Sure enough, now I’ve got a place to hang all the aircraft posters, photos and other stuff I’ve collected over the years. She even found a really sharp looking aircraft themed wallpaper border to use. The area is now a real room and no longer a musty, dark, concrete floored after thought. God, I love her.
Very cool glu snfr. It is nice to have a room like that for yourself. My room is still being worked on. It, right now, is a combination model building/gun/computer pieces-parts room. [:D]