Hobby Lobby - 50% Off Model Kits!
James [:)]
Hobby Lobby - 50% Off Model Kits!
James [:)]
Man , are they getting out of the nmodel buisness. The kits have been half off almost constantly it seems like.
No, they just have these sales on a regular basis. Those types of stores like product to move quickly so new stock can be put out.
James [:)]
I wish they had a habby lobby around here. They have this place called Ray& Robins, but i can never talk my mom into driving me down there. Its like half an our away. (sighs). Guess ill just have to go to wal-mart.lol
Checked out the local HL today. The kits they have (very few) had new price tags on them…just for curiosity’s sake I peeled one back. Imagine my surprise when I saw that the price had been raised by almost 100%. (originally 25.00 now at 42.00 and then you take the 50% off)[:(!][V][censored]
Needless to say I left very disgusted. I need a good local hobby shop!!!
man i hope they hold out on the sales until i get to one.