HK models Dambuster Kit - What is in the box!

Quite a few want to know what is inside this box that arrived last Satuday.

There is a complete original release minus the bombs and an extra sprue with the changes needed for the “Type 464 Provisioning” as this aircraft was officially known.

Before all the rivetheads and armchair know it alls raise their heads over the parapet the 464 provisioning was a Mk III and THE ONLY DIFFERENCE between the Mk I and III was the engines with the Packard Merlin 28 being fitted. Outward appearance and size wise was exactly the same as the RR Merlin installed in the MK 1 but with a greater power and HP output.

Operation Chastise, the bombing of the German Dams is one of the best known actions in WWII. Helping to research this aircraft for the kit means that you also have to understand the problems and solutions and the need for the action which means you have to also read up about the raid itself.

THis first post will deal with the raid and aftermath itself while the second post will show the box contents. This is so that you all know what really happened and so you must mostly ignore the 1955 Dambusters movie as there are many inaccuracies.

I have had access to the original Operation Chastise/Upkeep file that dispels all the myths built up about this raid and the crews/aicraft. As this raid has become almost a legend lots of wrong ideas, tales etc has become woven in especially on the internet, almost like fake news!

617 Squadron only knew about their real targets on 16 May. THe date of the raid. W/C Gibson was briefed on the 15th May. Up to this date he had NO IDEA AT ALL about the target. I would have thought that actually with the type of training they were doing with the Lancasters would have given some idea.

Here are the Primary and secondary targets along with the attack direction.

Primary Targets.

Mohne Dam

Eder Dam

Sorpe Dam

Secondary Targets

Diemel Dam

Ennepe Dam

Lister Dam

19 Aircraft took off on the raid with 11 returning. The Mohne and Eder were breached while the Sorpe was Damaged. Ennepe Dam attacked but mine failed to breech.

5 Aircraft crashed on Outward Flight

1 Aircraft Badly Damaged by Flak RTB with mine

1 Aircraft hit sea and lost mine. RTB batly damaged

1 Aircraft RTB due to weather and navigation problems

1 Aircraft crashed during attack

2 Aircraft Crashed on Return Flight.

The attack was carried out at 60 feet over water at night with the attack starting on the Mohne Dam just after midnight.

53 killed and 3 taken prisoner. The Germans recovered one of the mines and after reverse engineering tried to copy it but failed to realise the importance of backspin.

The Aircraft speed on release was about +/- 240 MPH. The following reconstruction for a history programme shows the actual speed and how fast the bomb travels

Next post will show the kit


I am sorry for the lack of kit contents at the moment. The Shinden is taking up all the room and I want to finish that soon. Please keep an eye out as this will be on my bench after the Shinden.

What I can say is that the kit contents are the same as the original release with an extra sprue added for the changes for the Upkeep mine which includes spotlams which some enterprising builder with the knowledge will be able to put LEDs in and slight modifications to the main fuselage with drill guide marks for mounting the srms for the bomb mount. I did put up a set of photos of the original Mk I release so you can have a look at that.

There are NO clear fuselage parts and NO blockbuster or other bombs apart from the Upkeep Mine and the original decals are in there along with a sheet with AJ G codes and serial number for Gibsons aircraft. You can build the original release if you want but it doesn’t have any bombs. Also there is the full manual and a Dambuster supplement manual with revised sections for the different parts.

In the original kit you had a massive clue as to what was coming next. Can you spot it?

I do hope DN models will put out a masking sheet with AJ squadron codes which will look much better than me messing with large decals!