Hi to all "plastic surgeons"

I am Max Tollens, modelling since 1987. My interests lie primarily in Naval/USMC jet aircraft, especially those I actually worked on; Skyhawk, Harrier, Hornet and all Rotary wing birds.

I also have a collection of photos from my time in service, airshows and foreign based aircraft. I am willing to share all, including my knowledge with the community!

Welcome, Max. Hope you’ll consider sharing some of those photos on the site!- Ed

Hello Max. Welcome aboard!

I love the way you refer to the modellers as “plastic surgeons.” Hope to hear from you soon.

Welcome to FSM Max. Very generous offer you’ve made … I’m sure some of the Wingy Thingy builders here will take advantage of it.
Enjoy the forums.

Welcome to the forum Max, Thanks for the offer of sharing your pics. I’d love to see some of the skyhawk.

Hi ya mtollens

Welcome to the FSM Community Modeling Forum(s) [^]

Your offer of sharing your knowledge and your collection of photos is part of why this site is the greatest on the 'net for us scale “plastic surgeons”. [;)]

I am glad that you stopped in … checked us out … and joined up !!! [:D]

When you spend a little time here … you will quickly find that we are a very friendly and a very diverse group, again welcome !!!