Hi all
I am from SA and I am new 2 the hobby. I hav built 4 bikes and I hav recently finished a Tam King Tiger(what a machine). OK its nothing 2 write home about but it will do 4 now. I made up my own camo scheme incorporating 4 colours instead of the usual 3. And now I am interested in creating a diorama 4 when I get more armoured vehicles. But I do not know how 2 start.(any suggestions will help a lot) I hav no income so any tips that dont cost a lot of money or none at all will be much appreciated.
I do not hav any fancy equip so I have 2 make do with Humbrol paints and a few brush’s.
Anyway hi 2 all
Hi Artorius and welcome dont worry about only having minimal equiptment . lets face it van gough started with “a few paints and brushes” so lets “ear” it for him. HeHeHe…Greg
Welcome to FSM Artorius. Don’t worry about the lack of tools, soon you’ll end up with a collection of stuff that you won’t know what to do with. Remember a lot of regular household items can be used in modelling. Have fun and enjoy.
Hi, Artorius. Like the others have said, don’t worry about the gear. It’s what you do with what you have that counts. Welcome! - Ed
Sounds like you’ve got creativity!! A great base for a fun hobby.
Have fun and don’t be shy.