Hi from Ohio

Hi! I am just getting back into building models after a ten year hiatus! Right now I have a list of,1:48 scale, second world war fighters and navy bombers that I am working on. Seems like I have been drawn to the early to mid Pacific war period. A lot of great aircraft were used from both the American and Japanese sides along with some great geographical locations which makes for great weathering! I am also building a diarama using 1:72 scale tanks and figures themed on the Russian front, late fall, winter of 1942. As I am fairly new to the internet, I am almost shocked by the amount of information that one can gather in a day and I’m also amazed on how much material for modeling needs that a person could buy on the internet! I also would like to say that, though I have only been a member of this site for a couple of days, the of the input that I have recieved from it’s members on some of my questions is outstanding! I will use this site as a reference for years to come.[:)]

Welcome to the forumn ‘kdog8’. Theres a world of knowledge at your fingertips.

Welcome to FSM kdog8 amd an even bigger welcome back to modelling. Seems like you’ve jumped right back into it.

The internet is just a wealth of info for us modellers.

Enjoy the forums !!!

Hi ya kdog8

Welcome back into the hobby and welcome to the FSM Community Modeling Forum(s) !!! [8D]

I am glad that you stopped by … checked us out … and joined up. [^]

If you will spend just a little time … here and there … reading this and that … and posting to one forum and then the next one … your choice … you will quickly find that we are a very diverse and very friendly group of scale modelers … from all over the world … 20,000 plus strong and getting bigger by the hour !!! [:)]

Again, welcome to the best place on the 'net for scale modelers … have fun and come back often!!! [;)]

Hi, kdog8. Welcome to the FSM/ Hope you enjoy perusing the different parts of the forum. - Ed