Hi from Brasil II

Hello everyone, My name is Daniel, and I’m still a newbie, but I’m realy liking my new hobby. I Love building WWII aircrafts, but I’ll eventually build some armor also.
I intend to start my first diorama soon, I know it’s a big step, but I’m sure I’ll find lots of help here.
Once again greatings to everybody![:)]

Welcome Daniel!

You have come to the right place for modelling information. There are plenty of skilled people who enjoy helping others here. Good luck with the diorama.

Regards, Daniel

Welcome to the hobby and to FSM Daniel…you’re right, you will find lots of info here…lots of good modellers who are more than willing to share with you. Keep on posting your questions.

Hi there Daniel,

And welcome to the community. Like Boybuddho said… You’ve indeed come to the right place… I too love WW2 aircraft and started off just like you… And this website was the main reason I started to beome a “Modelholic” as another member put it… I hope this site will help you as much as it has helped me and I’m sure you’ll learn thing or two from the large group of very experienced modeller… I too being a beginner would be the right person to tell you this because these guys here have answered all my questions from Paint thinner ratio’s to kit reccomendations…Enjoy your stay here and welcome to a great hobby…

Hi ya Daniel…

… and welcome to the greatest scale modeling forum around. You will glean a great amount of info from just reading the various threads, as I am sure you have noticed we have threads on all of the types of modeling … oh, and even more important … we have lots of helpful and friendly modelers.

Have fun and good luck with your projects.

Welcome Daniel, I´m from Brazil too…and I´d like WWII aircraft´s and armor (any era)…actually I´ve built a P-26 Peashooter…it´s a beautiful kit…
Good luck…in your projects…