HI frm Singapore

Hi i am a newbie, I’ve been doing this for about 12 years, mostly aircraft, motorbikes, battleships, cars & figurines.
Any of you people can give a tips on how to do dry brushing or is it dry washing? mailto:

Welcome to the forums bertling, dry brushing is just that…dry … washes are wet… very wet. There’s a few posts on this procedure in the armour forum…check them out. Look forward to your posts.

Hi there bertling,

I too live in Yishun Singapore. Glad to see another Singapore guy here. Gimme your email address and I’ll mail you an article on dry brushing. Alternatively the features section has an article on dry brushing. Check it out.


Welcome, Bertling

It looks like you have found your answer so enjoy the site!

Regards, Dan

Hi there neighbour. I’m posting from Sabah, East Malaysia.
New to this forum eh? Well you can get tons of info regarding to what you’re looking for. For tips, I use this forum to get what I wanted. Dry brushing and washes are different. Dry brushing is used to highlight the details on your models like rivets, wiring and other protruding parts of the models. While washes are used to highlight panel lines…and many others. Washes and dry brushing are effective way to give ‘in use’ or worn look of the model. Application… read fsm you’ll get loads of example on weathering. Hemmm… 12 years, your experience should tell you about this. If not …experiment is good to improve your skills.

Hi ya Bertling …

Let me join in welcoming you to the FSM Community Modeling Forum(s) !

I see that you have found out how this great “little” site of ours works … you got a question … you ask it … you get several expert answers … isn’t it great when things work !!!

Again, welcome and have fun! [^]