HEY Upnorth

i remembered that you said that you would like a model of the Piaggio Avanti. i was at www.kingkit.co.uk and he has a contrail Avanti in 1/72 at £14.99. i know its not the scale you mentioned but this kit appears to be the only one done of the Avanti…hope this is useful…Greg [8D]

Thanks a bunch Gregers!

Am I right in assuming its a vac form kit?

Yeah its not 1/48 but I’ll take the Avanti as I can get it, she’s too beautiful a bird not to try to get onto my shelf somewhere.

Thanks again

Hi Upnorth, yes she is a vac kit my (admitedly limited) experience of contrail kits is that the later ones where quite good, i think this is one of there later kits.if you get it please post pics when its done.glad to have helped…Greg