Hetzer in Canada?

Hi all.

I’m currently looking for a 1/35: Dragon 6030 138/2 Hetzer kit but I’m having trouble. I haven’t found a store in my area (Toronto Ontario) that carries this kit. So I’m relying on mail order now. I’ve looked at a couple of the bigger Canadian mail order stores for this model (I’m trying to keep shipping costs down) but they don’t stock it either. Does anyone out there know of a Canadian mail order store carrying this model? or even better, a store in the GTA that carries this?


Unfortunately the kit of your greatest desire is OOP. Some may pop up now and then on e-bay or you can advertise that you are looking for it in various forums. But unless it gets re-released by Dragon, you’ll probably have a hard time finding it at any mail order store.

P.S. Have you seen the real one up the road from you at Camp Borden?

I didn’t know there was one in Camp Borden! I’ll have to make a trip up there after my school term is over and check out the real deal… [8D]

I think I saw the Hetzer model in some far off mail order company but shipping was going to charge me an arm and a leg so I was hoping that there could be something locally… doh! Oh well, that’s the way it is… I’ll siphon it away from my tuition money…

I think the model shop near me has one or two of those - I am 100% sure I have seen them there in the last 3 months, but I’m not sure if they are still there. If you really want one, email me and we’ll work something out.

Model shops, check lots of model shops. That’s another way that you will find this kit. Also the help of other modellers like gendarme here will help you get one into your hands.

Lot’s of good stuff at Borden, including a Panther, Hetzer (being restored), Wirblewind, Sherman Crab Flail and much, much, more.

By the way, I just noticed these were your first 2 posts. Welcome to FSM.

Sher: Thank you for the welcome!

This forum is awesome… just looking around you can get so much help! Now we’ll have to see if gendarme can hook me up…

Back to the original topic, I am correct to assume the Dragon kit is the only Hetzer out there right? I’ve looked, but you can never be sure if there’s some obscure one out there…

Actually Italeri has / had one too but it might be OOP too. Dragon has actually produced 3 versions, all OOP. Keep searching my friend, you’ll find one.

The IPMS London site has photos of the Hetzer at Camp Borden.

Hetzer Inside and Out Part 1

Hetzer Inside and Out Part 2

thers some on this site , i dont know if its too far for you i think its in the US
http://www.missionmodels.com/index2.htm its under Dragon as
DR6037 Jagdpanzer/Flammpanzer 38, Mid production

How about these:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll ViewItem&item=3134799097&category=2588

Spotted one today in Uncle Bill’s Hobbies in Calgary. If you e-mail him he will quote the price and ship it to you. Not sure which DML Hetzer it was but it was definitely a Hetzer.


His e-mail addy is on his home site.

Hi peoples.

Thanks for all the links! I’ll definitely look into the one in Calgary… Haven’t had the time to continue looking for the past little bit because of midterms… But now I can continue my search for this little vehicle… =)

Thanks all!

Your in luck! I have one. It’s opened, but everything is still in the bag. Nothings started. If you can’t find one near you, maybe we can work something out. I do live in the States, so I would have to mail it to you. You can email through my personal profile. Good luck.

What about NorthStar? Or Keith’s?

Fade to Black…

Thanks to everyone who helped!
It seems like the one in Calgary suggested by Shermanfreak has yielded a good price for me. So i’m happy! I’ll get it soon!

It’s great that everyone in this forum has been so helpful!

I glad it worked out for you.

which hetzer is it the early, late/flampanzer or the command hetzer
there a great little kit ive made the early one in a winter white wash and will make a late on based on the Ardennes