Does anyone know of a site or know for a fact the Division markings for tanks and vehicles belonging to the Herman Goring Pz Division?
Does anyone know of a site or know for a fact the Division markings for tanks and vehicles belonging to the Herman Goring Pz Division?
i don’t know of web site. but if you go to hobby shop and look for squadron/signal publications panzer colors 3 it has it on page 76 & 77. thats all i have hope it helps. i have it try to take a pic of it did’nt come out right.
There’s a pretty clear photo in Squadron’s “Panzer IV in Action” of a Herman Goring tank in Italy as well.
dont know of a sight either. Try searching through google. Pz. Colors III also has alot of info on pages88-93
they were part of the Luftwaffe so the license plates would be WL -----.
If it was artillery or Flak the unit would have either a clear circle clock, or a white circle clock with a red hand.
the clock hand indicated the battery number. for example, clock pointing at 2 indicates the second battery.
here are pages 76 and 77. click on them to make them larger. Its pretty much the markings for all of the units in HG. If they do not expand go to my photobucket page and click on them there, they are the first 2.
Thanks guys. My friend has Squadron Panzer Colors III. I’ll check his out too.