DanCooper gave me an idea during a recent post in the Auto section, and I promised him I’d act on it, so yesterday during a rare period of Sunshine, I made this picture of my wife holding the recently completed Cessna Skyhawk dio. She’s Modeling my Model… my Model Model. [;)]
Thanks for the credit Frank, but it was actually you who used the term “model-model” first at the Auto-departement, remember [:D]
And I have to agree with our colegue modellers, that model-model and the model she’s presenting are both fine models. [:D]
And she actually didn’t “crack your skull”, like you said she would ???
All i can think of is her saying, “Frank, why are you making me hold this stupid thing!?!”, and “Would you hurry up and take the pic already!”
R/C Modeler has been doing the ‘model’ thing since back when i was a kid. Maybe FSM should hop on the bandwagon. Would definitely make me re-new my subscription.
Well, seeing as how I already informed her of my desire to build a dio of our First Date, with the intentions of giving it to her for our Anniversary… then letting her see it periodically throughout the build (which generated floods of emotion), I guess she figured she owed me the picture for the site! [:D]
Naaa… [:)]
Seriously, after loosing my first wife to a drunk driver, I never thought they’d ever be anyone else… but that airplane ride in 1982 changed everything! In light of where I’d been, she never said; “It’ll be okay”, or “I understand what you’re going through”… no, she would simply say; “I’m here if you need somebody to tell it to”. I took her up on the offer and liked what we found in each other. Now here we are with our three kids raised, and playing with our grand children… wondering where all that time went to… but so very thankful we got to take the trip together!
If my modeling bothers her, she’s never let on to me about it. (of course, that’s why my modeling room is separate from the living quarters) [:D]
Take care, and “Thank You” from my Model Model, Lisa.