Help. Spots in sand shields

[8D] Dearest fellows
In Model Maniac, 03/11, of his Tamiya’s British Centurion. 4th photo from L to R I see some interesting spots in the lower side of the sand shields, they are not mud, seems like some kind of maroon rust to me [?] I wonder how can I do it. Green putty with liquid cement and sand color? or what? and how to apply, with brush or something else. Please do it again. Give me your hands. I’m doing good again with your always experts advices.
Be good friends [:D]

did u see it on the box art? i think that it is probably mud splashed onto the surface… tamiya ussually does this. to do it, get your brush and flick the paint on. it sound crappy but looks good.[:p]

Dear juniormodeler
Wasn’t in any box art at all that I saw the tank in question. The photos that I’m talking about it was posted the last 11(wow!) under the name of “dogs in dioramas” by jdeltaarrow. If you look in the responses you can found this address, " Click there and you will found the page of Model Maniac from Thailand with different photos of the Centurion, the photo is the 4 from L to R, some others clues, the test reads " i t’s a Tamiya’s figure set named “German Soldiers at Field Briefing” that includes a German Sheppard dog. This set was used in a winter diorama : ". See it and respond me later. I’m almost sure that’s not mud. Thanks my friend for your concern.

i clicked on the link and it said page not found. i know what your talking about now… i just started to build a panzer 3 in desert colors. there are little spots of a blackish color on it. i was wondering what that is too. in the finescale article about “using aftermarket parts for the first time” the guy build a panzer 2 or 3 in desert color and had the spot. like i said i dont know what they are but i think he did it with a airbrush. if you want to know you could email fsm and they couls probably tell u.

Corrected link:
4th pic from left.

Feria: Get some paint on the brush and flick it on. Mix some baby powder with the paint to give it a bumpy texture.