I’m feeling quite confident in my modeling skills and want to start building a MASTERPIECE!!! I’m getting consistant results and now it’s time to build THE ONE!!! (of course we all know there will be others!)
I’m looking for 1/48 scale kit no bigger than a medium bomber loaded with interior detail (I love building interiors more than anything) and some greeat recessed exterior detail
I was thinking about building the following:
Accurate Miniatures TB? Avenger (don’t know which version…is one version more interesting than another to build?)
Accurate miniatures SBD Dauntless
would you guys recommend these kits? Any other great kits you know about
Accurate Miniatures made some of the most detailed easy to build kits I’ve ever built. Both the TBF and SBD are excellent kits. If you want to build something a little bigger, their B-25 Mitchell kit is being re-released through Squadron.com. Any of these kits I would highly recommend, they are some of my favorite kits in my collection.
Good luck in your decision,
John L
I’m currently halfway through AM’s TBM-3 avenger. One of the best kits that I’ve ever built. Packed with interior details that are molded inscale. Lots of delicate parts that produce a great looking model. Once you get the fuselage together it goes quickly. I also own the SBD-5 and B-25 by AM, they are equaly impressive.
Other than those, virtually anything from Tamiya will produce a near museum quality kit out of the box. You can’t go wrong with Tamiya.
I’ve seen some real beauties in Eduard’s “Profipac” kit range.
Their 1/48 Hawker Tempest is a real winner and I’ve heared similar things about their Bf-108 Taifun.
Tamiya’s 1/48 DeHavilland Mosquito is another really good one that comes to mind.
Airfix’s 1/48 Supermarine Seafire and late model Spitfire are both excellent.
To my mind, the absolute best you’ll get in 1/48 Spitfires these days, especially if you like interiors as you say, are the ICM Spitfires. Real beauties that aftermarket would have a near to impossible time improving on.
I’d have to second the AM B-25 based on your criteria - it’s a medium bomber with insane amounts of interior detail (that you’ll never see after it’s built!) :).
Lots of very good suggestions … most I am familiar with, some I am not … but you couldn’t go wrong, given your requirements … with the Accurate Miniatures B-25 C, D or G conversion.
Those AM B-25s’ are all very nice, and just full of scale details (alas, most of which will not be seen after the a/c is buttoned up during building).
Good luck with whatever you choose … and have fun! [:)][;)][^]
Oh, and don’t forget to share pictures with all of us of “THE ONE” when you get it finished!
I checked squadron.com but saw no such deal…Am I looking in the wrong place or was this to good to be true…could you double check your source and let me know if the $9.99 Avenger is still available
try monogram/revell of germany 1/72 b 36… just kidding.
i would go with tamiya 1/48 p 47. ive heard really good things bout it. if u want a cheaper p 47, get monogram razor back one. i have it and its great, except for cockpit detail. i guess u oculd scratchbuild
Tamiya’s T-bolt is spectacular. Throw in some paint and cement, shake the box and take out your masterpiece. It’s really almost that simple. Superb detail, clicks together and it’s finally available!!!
I’m going to go ahead with the TBF avenger! If I can get it on sale…great…I’ll also order a Vacuum Formed canopy for my Revell Monogram Helldiver (which if you read one of my earlier posts) you’d know the kit glass was damaged and the kit is out of production…I’ve always wanted to build another corsair and Tamiya will be the likely kit
SO…perhaps a Navy aircraft wing!!!
Thanks for all the help…I look forward to the Avenger!
Hold the presses!!!
All of the suggestion above were great,almost anything Tamiya or AM are
fantastic,but check out Monogram’s Pro Modeler’s Ju 52/3m Transport.
Loaded with detail and has a removeable roof section .I think this kit could-of
been an old Hasegawa . Good luck in whatever you choose