HELP! Need a scan of the instructions for a very old Hasegawa 1/32 Focke Wulf Fw190

Help! I’m missing step 3 to 6 on a very old Hasegawa 1/32 Fw190 (kit # JS-060:800). Can someone scan them and e-mail them to me? I would be very grateful! Thanks!

I don’t know if this helps, but as I understand the current Revell 1/32 kit is simply a re-issue of the old Hasegawa kit.

See this link for review/info:

So, as a suggestion, in lieu of the origional Hasegawa plans you might try scrounging a copy of the Revell kit plans, or buy the Revell kit at Hobby Lobby and build both versions[;)]

Tom T [C):-)]

T is correct,the Revell is the old Hasegawa kit. I have it and if I had a scanner I could help…sorry.


I hit the major hobby store here today and they didn’t have the Revell kit, so I’m still praying someone can help me, PLEASE!

Allen 109,

Have you built this kit already? Because if your done with the instructions, I would glady mail you a self addressed stamped envelope, if you could part with them that is. Let me know, thanks

If T and 109 are correct ( no reason to doubt ) I hope these help you out. Not knowing how
Hasa. set theirs up I sent the whole thing.

Not yet,but a guy in the club has. Email me if the copy attilla sent you doesn’t make it, and I’ll see what I can do.