HELP lowering AMT 1965 500 ford galaxie

hello forum,

first time posting here i am building a AMT 65 ford galaxie 500 xl for a friend he would like me to keep model all stock but wants to know if i could build model lowered
I need help, tips, or info on how i can do this without loosing the integrity of the model, all help will be appreciated!

thank you all in advance!

I’m not familiar with that specific kit, but what I have done in the past…

Figure out how much you need to lower it.
I would dry fit and hold the suspension to the chassis and fit the chassis into the body to get an idea of how much. Once you get an idea of how much you what to lower it, check measurements for the following process before making changes. Adjust total lowering by the smallest measurement allowed (front or more likely rear).

Front coil spring suspension

If there is enough material to work with I’d file down the springs, spindles, shocks. Then file an angle in the lower control arms and if necessary the frame rail so they will fit together.

Rear leaf spring suspension

If the springs have an arch, lay it on a flat surface with arch up. Measure from flat surface to arch. That will show you how much you’ll have to adjust (total height minus amount to lower). I carefully held the springs above a candle (use caution not to burn your fingers or melt/catch fire to the springs), giving slight pressure to the springs to un-arch them. Once they get soft enough they will bent easily. Check measurement and repeat as necessary.

If the springs are flat to begin with. If there’s not enough material to remove from the chassis where the springs mount to I make lowering blocks from the scrap sprue. Install between rearend housing and springs.

Don’t forget to file down the rear shocks also.

Hope that helps a bit.

The front suspension is comprised of an adjustible spindle with three holes in it. Select the upper hole to lower the nose of the car. The rear suspension has coil springs. You can lower the car by trimming the rear springs.