I have been modeling once in a while (mostly weekends). My most troubling modeling problem or hindrance is MASKING. MASKING FUSELAGES to create demarkation mark for belly and top surface of ACs are bearable but MASKING CANOPIES that big pain in my modeling especially those with curved frames such as Mig-17, 19, 21and others… We dont have pre-cut masks here in the Philippines and therefore have to use either draftman’s tape or tamiya masking tape. There’s got to be an easier way!!! Any help. information, or tips are most welcome.
In order to get the tape to go around the curves, cut thinner strips of masking tape, apply them first along the edges/frames, then come back with larger bits of tape to cover the rest.
Another technique I have used is PVA (wood) glue. Just apply some to the gladd part of the canopy, then paint. Plunge in water and let the glue dissolve… This one work best when there’s no sharp angles in the corners of the windows… You can colour the glue with food colorants to get a better view of what you’re doing!
There are several posts on this forum regarding canopy masking. Do a search for “canopy masking” and “bare metal foil”. I think you will find what you need.
I’ve used Cutting Edge E-Z Masks with success. They are available through several on-line hobby sites. The shipping may be more than the cost of the masks though?
There are also several posts about general/camoflage masking. They describe several methods to mask paint demarcations - silly putty, play-dough, Tamiya tape, etc. Some do it free hand.
Good luck.
try the latex liquid masking fluid sold in art shops…paint on peel off…simple…