HELP!!! How to safelly remove paint!!!!


Can anyone tell me what’s the best way to remove the paint from an old model, without damaging the plastic???[V]


castrol makes a cleaner that wal-mart sells in their automotive dept.It is pretty potent ,use rubber gloves, it will not hurt the plastic & it does a good job .It is like a purple cleaner .You can reclaim it for a few times & it is bio degradable.I used to use brake fluid but after using this never again. Also some have reccomended easy off oven cleaner but I have never tried thar

jamest gets my vote. The stuff is called Castrol Super Clean, it costs about 5 bucks for a gallon at Wal Mart and comes in a purple jug. Put the stuff along with your model in a tupperware or equivalent container overnight. Most of the paint will come off quickly, however, you may have to use an old toothbrush for some of it. Its a concentrated degreaser for motors and driveways and very powerful. Use gloves and don’t get any in your eyes. When you’re finished, rinse your model well. Don’t use brake fluid, its nasty. Oven cleaner works ok, but is not on a par with Super Clean!

Good luck

Anothe vote for CSC here.


I use Simple Green, you can get it at walmart, K-mart, etc, it is safe and biodegradable.

I use braking fluid it does the job. But be aware to rinse your model afterwards with lots of water. If not well you know you can start all over again. I had the misfortune that I had to remove paint from the radardish from the awacs and didn’t notice that the braking fluid entered the radardish. So after removing the paint I placed the dish on the plane and left it there for the night. next day I noticed that the rear fuselage was off color. The paint peeled right off. The breaking fluid dripped out of the radardish straight onto the fuselage and removed all the paint. And that is not funny. So now I make sure that there is no trace of braking fluid left.