
WOW, finally a site I can get some real use from. Started modeling when I was around ten but stoped when I joined the army in 87. Am still in the Canadian forces as a combat engineer but have finally found time to start again. If anyone needs help with canadian stuff give me a call, as I have seen, driven and fired just about everything going. CHIMO!!!

Sgt AL Buttree

Welcome aboard Al

Your knowledge will be an asset to anyone working on modern Canadian vehicles. Where are you stationed at now?

Welcome aboard sapper

Did some time in service myself, got out in 83 tho’. i was with Ist Service Btn at the time, back when Calgary still had a base, Iwas a Vehicle tech, or a “REMF” as my former “Pickly” friends call me, I was with the Forward repair group (FRG) so I don’t really think this term applies [;)] Got a lot of new stuff since I got out, most of what we had was korean war vintage stuff. I prefer the FN over the new C5 tho’

Take er easy
Madd Dawg [8D]

Hi Al! I currently am modeling HO train stuff, but have crossed over into HO armor, specifically Canadian. I am putting together a 15-17 flat car military load set. I have lots of Roco stuff, including VW Ilitis, 6x6 trucks, M113s and LAVs (these are the 8-wheeled versions - I think we still call them Bisons!?). I would like to pick your brain on some details about the trucks at some future time.


Nice to see another Canadian on board. I haven’t built too many Canadian aircraft, but I am building a Canadian F-18 as part of the the Community Build Project here on FSM. If you haven’t seen the posts, check it out. It’s alot of fun so far!!


Thanks for the welcom guys. To answer a few questions I am currently stationed at CFB Gagetown N.B. at the canadian Forces School Of Military Enginerring as a Explosive instructor ( Rank Sgt ). To Madd dog i have worked with 1 Svc btl alot having come from 1 CMBG attached to 1 Combat Engineer Regiment CHIMO!!! and I must agree the FN is far better than the C7. Trafford they still call it the Bison and they are a good solid vehicle, you should check out the new LAV’s such as the Cyote and LAV III, awesome hardware. Looking forward to hearing from you and CHIMO!!! ( Engineer greeting )

Sgt AL

I am a new member and from Singapore(Far East).Singapore
is an island not far from the Equator. Plastic modelling is
a big affair here. There are many plastic models shops here.
All sorts of models are available. There is even a shop selling
old collectors items but is very very expensive,sometimes double or few times more than the original price. My interest is in all sorts of models but have not build a complete model yet.
most of my models are half done,too many to complete.
Instead I just buy and keep the models without the boxes.
Queer isn’t it. Anyway, I read finescale model magazine.
I have some very old issues. I don’t subscribe but buy adhoc
Many magazine stores here have the latest issues. Happy to find a way to be a member of the finescale model mangazine member. Singaporeans from the lion city states wellcome all existing members.alloha…[:D]